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•He became poor that I might be made rich.

•I sow righteousness therefore I have a sure reward.

•God provides me seed to sow and bread to eat.

•He multiplies my resources for sowing and increases the fruit of my righteousness.

•The Lord supplies all of my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

•Because I am a tither, the Lord rebukes the devourer for my sake and my heart is filled with thanksgiving.

•God gives me the power to get wealth so that He may establish His covenant on the earth.

•God makes all grace every favor and earthly blessing come to me in abundance, so that I am always and in all circumstances, furnished in abundance for all good works and charitable donations.

•In the name of JESUS, I renounce the fear of the Word of GOD not working in my life. I cast out all fear, now. In the name of JESUS, I refuse to have a wrong relationship with the material world. And in the name of JESUS, I live to give and I give to live. I am a sower and GOD is my supplier. When I have a need, I sow a seed. My only exit out of my need is through sowing seeds. And GOD will minister to me seeds and GOD will multiply and increase the fruits of my righteousness. This is the set time of favor and I will operate in the Kingdom of GOD system. And I will give the Law of Progression an opportunity to work. And when the Harvest shows up, that's when the Sickle will show up. And in JESUS name, I purpose in my heart to be wealthy. Because GOD has given me the power, according to Deuteronomy 8:18, GOD has given me the power to get the wealth to fulfill and establish His covenant. I am Blessed and I am a Blessing until ALL of the families of the earth have been Blessed. So I call those things that be not, as though they were. I'm prosperous! I'm out of Debt! My needs are met! I have plenty more to put in store! I am wealthy! I have a Heavenly account as well as an Earthly account. And in the name of JESUS, I am a Money Magnet! Money cometh to me! I am a distribution center! I am a steward of my Master (GOD)! Therefore, in the name of JESUS, I call the things that are not seen, forth right now! I have a change of status. I call restoration. I call supernatural progress. I call the favor of GOD forth right now! In the name of JESUS, I am the Redeemed of the Lord! I have said it! It is so, now! In JESUS name, Amen.

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